Zinow Genealogy Website

The history of the Norwegian Zinow family, and their connected families of Lorentzen, Hugaas, Schøyen, Møller, Skrogstad, Høyem, Reitan, Brinchmann, Sværen, Harbo, Bernhoft, Hiorth, Linge, Tjomsaas, Cudrio, Borlaug, Husabø, Børsheim, Coucheron, Irgens etc. ...and for our beautiful long-haired dachshund; Tina

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
9551 Henrik Joensen fikk bygselbrev på Venset allerede 2.februar 1793 av Buttolf Gotaas, som da var kirkeverge for Alstadhaug kirke.

De ble et kort samliv på gården for Henrik og Anne. Hun døde sommeren 1754, og skiftet etter henne ble påbegynt 24.juni samme året. Besetningen besto av 1 hest, 1 skjut, 1 vetle, 4 kyr, 3 kviger, 2 kalver, 4 sauer, 5 lam, 1 vær, 4 geiter, 2 kid, 1 bukk, 2 svin og 2 griser. Avlingen var 9 lass bygg, 25 lass havre, 70 lass høy á 12 vog i lasset, og 42 lass havrehalm.
Aktiva var 445 riksdaler 3 ort 3 skilling, og overskuddet var 137 riksdaler 3 ort 18 skilling.
Anne etterlot seg 3 døtre fra sitt forrige eksteskap.

Under Wensæt i Alstadhoug Sokn i Skogn Prestegjeld finner vi i 1801:

Huusbonde Henric Jonssen, 38 år, i sitt 2det egteskab.
Hans kone Karen Estensdatter, 28 år, er i sitt 2ste egteskab.

Barn som er nevnt:
Jon 5 år og Anna 2 år.

Det er også nevnt 6 tjenestefolk.

I 1805 fikk Henrik skjøte på Venset. Det var forstanderen for Alstadhaug kirke, Benjamin Olsen Rendum, som underskrev skjøtet. 
Joensen Ertsaas, Hendrich (Henric) "Venset" (I4024)
9552 Henrik Mikkelsen betalte koppskatt for seg og 2 jenter i 1645.

Prinsesseutstyr 1671:
1 ort 16 skilling.

Nevnt som bruker på Lilleflor 1684. 
Mikkelsen Lilleflor, Henrik (I4096)
9553 Henrik skal ha vært gift hele 5 ganger, sist med Elen Michelsdotter fra Bjugn. Navnet på de andre hustruene er ikke kjent. 9 barn er kjent. Family: Henrik Mogensen Herdal, "Rytter" / Elen (Else) Michelsdatter (F3832)
9554 Henry 4 the Pious, Duke of Saxony (German: Heinrich der Fromme) (Dresden, 16 March 1473 – Dresden, 18 August 1541) was a Duke of Saxony from the House of Wettin.
Heinrich was the second son of Albert, Duke of Saxony, and his wife Sidonie Podiebrad, princess of Bohemia. When Albert died in 1500, his eldest son Georg succeeded to the Duchy of Saxony, and Heinrich became Lord of Friesland.

Saxon rule of Friesland was disturbed by constant revolts. Consequently Heinrich, who was of a rather inert disposition, gave up his title there. In 1505 Heinrich ceded Friesland to Georg, in return for an annuity and the districts of Wolkenstein and Freiberg, where Heinrich made his residence.

In 1517, Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation in Germany, and a few years later Heinrich converted to Lutheranism. Georg remained a devout Catholic. Both of Georg's sons predeceased him without issue.

When Georg's second son died in 1539, Heinrich (a Protestant) became heir presumptive to the Duchy under the Act of Settlement of 1499. To prevent a Protestant succession, Georg tried to override his father's will, disinherit Heinrich, and bequeath the Duchy to Ferdinand, brother of Charles 5. But Georg died only two months later, and Heinrich succeeded to the Duchy.

He was then 66 years old, and reigned for only 2 years. Heinrich made Lutheranism the state religion of the Duchy of Saxony.

In Freiberg, on 6 July 1512, Heinrich married Catherine of Mecklenburg, daughter of Duke Magnus 2 of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. They had 6 children:

1. Sybille (b. Freiberg, 2 May 1515 – d. Buxtehude, 18 July 1592), married on 8 February 1540 to Duke Francis 1 of Saxe-Lauenburg.

2. Emilie (b. Freiberg, 27 July 1516 – d. Ansbach, 9 March 1591), married on 25 August 1533 to Georg, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach.

3. Sidonie (b. Meissen, 8 March 1518 – d. Kloster Weissenfels, 4 January 1575), married on 17 May 1545 to Eric 2, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Calenberg).

4. Maurice (b. Freiberg, 21 March 1521 – d. of wounds received in action at Sievershausen, 11 July 1553), later Elector of Saxony.

5. Severinus (b. Freiberg?, 28 August 1522 – d. Innsbruck, 10 October 1533).

6. Augustus (b. Freiberg, 31 July 1526 – d. Dresden, 11 February 1586). 
av Sachsen, Heinrich "Heinrich 4" (I12592)
9555 Henry 9, called the Black, a member of the House of Welf, was Duke of Bavaria from 1120 to 1126.
Henry was the second son of Welf 1, Duke of Bavaria and Judith of Flanders.

As a young man, he administered the family's property south of the Alps. Through his marriage to Wulfhilde, daughter of Magnus, Duke of Saxony, he acquired part of the Billung property in Saxony.

In 1116, he joined Emperor Henry 5's Italian campaign. He succeeded his brother Welf 2, Duke of Bavaria, when the latter died childless in 1120.

In the royal election of 1125, he supported his son-in-law Frederick 2, Duke of Swabia, but switched his allegiance to Lothair, Duke of Saxony, after Lothair promised that Gertrud, his only daughter and heir, would marry Henry's son Henry.

After Lothair won the election and banned Frederick, in 1126 Henry abdicated as duke of Bavaria and retired to the family foundation of Weingarten Abbey so that he did not have to take part in the prosecution of his son-in-law. Henry died shortly thereafter and was buried in Weingarten.

Henry and Wulfhilde had the following children:
1. Judith, married Frederick 2, Duke of Swabia.

2. Conrad, died 17 March 1126.

3. Henry X the Proud.

4. Welf.

5. Sophia, married Berthold 3, Duke of Zähringen and Leopold 1, Duke of Styria.

6. Wulfhild, married Rudolf, Count of Bregenz
Mathilde, married Diepold 4, Margrave of Vohburg and Gebhard 3, Count of Sulzbach.

7. Adalbert, Abbot of Corvey. 
av Bayern, Henry "Henry 9" (I1567)
9556 Henry Berg skriver om dette paret i - Trondheim før Cicignon. Gårdeieren dengang (1632) var Berent Güllich, som også nevnes 1645 blant uformuende borgere og handverksfolk. Han er sikkert identisk med Berent skredder, hvis gård 1625 fikk anvist stolesteder i Domkirkens 14.stol på mannssiden og 10.på kvinnesiden. Han er visstnok også den samme som Bernt Gjølker, borger i Trondhjem, som var gift med Lisbeth, datter av herr Hans Andersen Bernhoft, sogneprest til Vår Frue kirke.

Kan betegnelsen - gjølker - være lik - gjaldker - som var forløperen for en byfogd?

Kopskatten 1645:
Berendt Gullick for sig sielff 1/2 Dlr.
Det betyr vel at hans kone var død.  
Gjølker, Bernt (I15287)
9557 Henry of Saxe-Lauenburg (German: Heinrich von Sachsen-Lauenburg; 1 November 1550 – 22 April 1585, Vörde) was a Prince-Archbishop of Bremen (as Henry 3), then Prince-Bishop of Osnabrück (as Henry 2), then Prince-Bishop of Paderborn (as Henry 4).

Henry was a member of the House of Ascania, Saxe-Lauenburg line. He was the third son of Duke Francis 1 of Saxe-Lauenburg (1543–1581) and is wife Sibylle of Saxony, who had both converted to Lutheranism. Henry was raised Lutheran.
At the age of ten, he was promised a prebend as canon (German: Domherr) at the cathedral chapter at Cologne. Since 1564 he studied at the University of Cologne under law professor Dr. Conrad Betzdorf, who housed him and his brother Frederick and was their mentor.

The schism was not yet so definite, as it looks in the retrospect. The Holy See who, at the time was no-longer related to the original Charlemagne dynasty that had set up the churches and acted as protectors of God, had tried to enforce changes to the church and a grab for lands that did not belong to him. You see, the reformation was not about changing the original church of God as supported by Luther, it was about stopping the changes that the Church in Italy that was now in possession of usurpers the Lombards, who insisted on integrating the old gods and old was into the church, by making priests celibate (even though God states it is not good for men to be alone) and started witch burnings and interogrations using psychiatric practices to punish their opposition with poisoning and torture techniques.

Henry was against these inhumane practices, and so where all the original Charlemagne descendants, the nobility and royal rulers of the lands of Europe, who had carried on Charlemagne's human rights laws, that all men and women shall be deemed free (including freedom of religion). While his youth is recorded as wild, he is recalled as a quiet student. During his studies in Cologne Henry came to know and love Anna von Broich (Borch), who lived as foster child with Betzdorf, since her parents, Cologne's Burgomaster Heinrich von Broich and his wife Ursula, had perished in the plague in 1553. In 1565 he received the prebend and in the following year he advanced to canonicate.

In 1524 the Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen had subjected the autonomous farmers' republic of the Land of Wursten, but the Wursteners still hoped for a liberation and support from the neighbouring Saxe-Lauenburgian exclave of the Land of Hadeln. So the enfranchised capitular canons, which were mostly Lutherans since the Reformation, of Bremen Cathedral and Hamburg Cathedral chapter (with only three votes) elected Henry of Saxe-Lauenburg archbishop on 17 February 1567. Since his predecessor Prince-Archbishop George had no coadjutor, an office usually entailing the succession to the see, several dynasts applied for sons of their houses.

Henry's election included a deal stipulated with Henry's father Francis I, who waived any Saxe-Lauenburgian claim to the Land of Wursten, earlier raised by his father Magnus I, as well as to the bailiwick of Bederkesa and Elmlohe, de facto held by Bremen city and abandoned the lawsuit, which Francis had brought to the Imperial Chamber Court to this end.

In his election capitulation (Wahlkapitulation) Henry covenanted to accept the privileges of the Estates of the Prince-Archbishopric (Stiftsstände) and the existing laws. Due to his minority he agreed, that Chapter and Estates would rule the Prince-Archbishopric until coming of age, paying him an annual appanage of 500 rixdollars. For the time being Henry was supposed to work towards his papal confirmation as archbishop.

Henry de facto assumed regency in 1569, lacking any papal confirmation. He still had to repay debts from his pre-predecessor Prince-Archbishop Christopher the Spendthrift Henry continued George's financial assanation and developed for a better financial control the budgeting for the prince-archiepicopal expenditures. While Pope Pius V remained sceptic as to Henry's faith, Emperor Maximilian II regarded Henry a true Catholic, putting in a good word for Henry. Thus Maximilian granted Henry an imperial liege indult (Lehnsindult) in 1570, investing him with the princely regalia for the prince-archbishopric although he still lacked the papal confirmation.

Therefore Henry never officially functioned as archbishop, but as princely Administrator of the Prince-Archbishopric, however, he was nevertheless colloquially referred to as prince-archbishop. Henry always observed the Roman Catholic formalities for the episcopal consecration, although he never wanted to be a Catholic bishop. The All Saints' Flood of November 1 and 2, 1570 inflicted terrible hardship in the Bremian Elbe Marshes.

In 1571 Henry started a campaign against brigandage. Through all his episcopate the Popes Pius 5 and Gregory 13 as well as the Emperors Maximilian 2 and Rudolph 2 tested Henry's obedience once in a while, demanding the succession of Catholic candidates for vacancies in the Bremian Cathedral Chapter - which it sometimes accepted, sometimes denied.

In 1567 the Holy See failed to replace the late Canon Christoph of East Frisia with the Catholic Wilhelm Quadt of Landskorn. Two years later Pius V prevailed with the Catholic Jodocus von Galen succeeding the Lutheran Canon Hermann Clüvers.

In 1570 Pius ordered Henry to promote Verden's Catholic Cathedral Dean Nikolaus von Hemeling as Bremian cathedral provost (Dompropst), a function including the presidency of the chapter, while Maximilian demanded – using his privilege of presentation – Georg Rudell. However, the capitular canons then elected Henry's brother Frederick, succeeding the late Ludwig von Varendorf.
After Frederick's death Gregory 13 demanded succession for the Catholic Theodor von Galen, and prevailed.
The chapter fulfilled the religious functions as in case of sede vacante until 26 September 1580, in order not to complicate a papal confirmation, which, however, never materialised. Henry then postponed his efforts to be recognised by Rome. The Pope succeeded to get a third Catholic canon elected into the else Lutheran chapter, Ahasver von Langen, later Provost of Zeven nunnery between 1601–1603, but these three never formed a Catholic opposition within the chapter.

On 23 May 1574 the cathedral chapter of Osnabrück elected Henry Bishop Henry 2, as such lacking papal confirmation and imperial liege indult to rule the prince-bishopric. When the Osnabrück chapter appointed Henry administrator of the prince-bishopric, Henry swore to protect Catholic faith and to maintain peace between the denominations. The papal order not to appoint Henry administrator arrived in Osnabrück only days after his investiture, so that Henry celebrated his festive entering in the prince-bishopric in June 1574.
In late 1574, the nuncio to Cologne, Kaspar Gropper, also professor at Cologne University, presented a protocol which evaluated the conditions for Henry's election in Münster and Osnabrück according to Canon Law. For Rome the recognition of Henry's election as bishop was not acceptable.

His reign in Osnabrück is overshadowed by numerous witch burnings. But he also completed the prince-episcopal Fürstenau Castle, started by his predecessor John of Hoya, while the started construction of a residential castle in Osnabrück ended with Henry's sudden death. Henry also ran for the episcopal elections of Münster in 1575, 1577 and 1580, but failed narrowly. The Catholic opposition played no relevant role in Osnabrück.

On 25 October 1575, Court Preacher Hermann Gade married Henry and Anna of Broich (also known as Betzdorf) secretly in the chapel of Burghagen Castle in Hagen im Bremischen. She was supposedly the biological daughter of his mentor, professor Betzdorf in Cologne. Bremen's cathedral chapter approved the wedding, violating Henry's election capitulation, but ordered that future administrators were not to marry. As reason for the marriage, he wrote into the wedding book that he did not possess the gift of chastity. The plague befell the prince-archbishopric in 1575. The year after Henry prompted the renovation of the Vörde hospital and infirmary founded by Prince-Archbishop Johann Rode, as he generally promoted the development of his residential town.

Since 1576, in anticipation of the inheritance of the Land of Hadeln, Henry served as regent of that Saxe-Lauenburgian exclave, consented by Emperor Rudolph 2. In return Henry paid his indebted father a compensation and assumed his debts with the Counts of Oldenburg.

After his father's death in 1581 Henry inherited Hadeln and used the opportunity to renew its Church Order (Lutheran church constitution), first issued in 1526. The publication of the Estates Laws of Hadeln (Hadler Landrecht, 1583), the compilation of which his father Francis had begun, fell into Henry's regency. His brother Francis 2 disputed Henry as heir, but could not prevail.

In 1577 Pope Gregory 13 announced to excommunicate every capitular canon, who would dare to vote for Henry as administrator. Bremen's cathedral chapter recommended Paderborn's capitulars to elect him bishop there. The cathedral chapter then ignored the papal threat and elected Henry Bishop of Paderborn, as Henry 4, on 14 October 1577. Papal confirmation and liege indult were again denied. As Paderborn's elect Henry chose the motto:

Gott ist mir Anfang und Ende" (God is beginning and end to me).

In 1578, Henry ostentatively entered Paderborn accompanied by his wife. The Catholic opposition, forming in Paderborn, troubled Henry's reign there, he failed to expel the Jesuits and Nuncio to Cologne, Giovanni Francesco Bonomi, even considered his impeachment.
During the warlike conflict between his brother Magnus and his father Francis I and other brothers Francis 2, and Maurice, Henry functioned as arbiter.
In 1581 – shortly before Francis I's death – Henry, his father, and Rudolph 2 consulted, unconcerted with Magnus and Maurice, concluding that Francis 1 made his third son Francis 2, whom he considered the ablest, his sole successor, violating the rules of primogeniture in Saxe-Lauenburg. The emperor esteemed his skills and thus charged Henry with arbitrations in lawsuits at the Imperial Chamber Court and the Aulic Council.

In 1577 he codified the laws of the Bremian knightage (Bremisches Ritterrecht) and decreed a prince-archiepiscopal police ordinance. In the Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen Henry introduced a Lutheran Church Order in 1580 and the Vörde Church Constitution (Vörder Kirchenordnung) in 1582. In order to improve the Lutheran pastoring he introduced regular visitations in the parishes. Thus Henry adopted pastoral functions as a Lutheran in all the Prince-Archbishopric, also in its northeastern part, which belonged in ecclesiastical respect to the Verden See, held by Administrator Eberhard of Holle. Henry urged the Altkloster nunnery (part of today's Buxtehude) to accept the Lutheran Christoph von der Hude as their provost, however, the steadfastly Catholic nuns refused. In reaction to this development the Holy See founded the Roman Catholic Nordic Missions, an endeavour for pastoral care and mission in the area of the de facto ceased archdioceses of Bremen and of Lund. In 1581 Henry prompted a new Court Procedures Code for the Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen.

Henry had consulted his brother Francis 2 in developing the Church Order for the Lutheran church of Saxe-Lauenburg, which Francis decreed in 1585.

In 1581 his father died in Buxtehude, a town under Henry's prince-archiepiscopal rule, also his mother and brother Maurice settled and later died there in 1592 and 1612, respectively.

On Palm Sunday, 8 April 1585, after a Lutheran church service in Vörde, riding home Henry met with an equestrian accident, his horse baulked and pitched him. In his residence Vörde Castle he died of his injuries on April 22. On May 21 he was buried in Vörde's Palace Church, his grave was destroyed when the church was demolished in 1682. While in Bremen, the Catholic cause was lost forever, Henry's unexpected death led to a success for the Counter Reformation in Paderborn.

His widow inherited several estates, among them Beverstedtermühlen, which she successfully extended into a Vorwerk. However, her brother-in-law Francis 2 blamed her to have caused Henry's early death. Francis, after quarreling with Maurice, reacquired the Land of Hadeln for Saxe-Lauenburg.

Heinrich III., Erzbischof von Bremen, † am 18. April 1585, gewählt am 17. Februar 1567, vorher Domherr zu Köln, lutherisch, Freund des späteren Erzbischofs Gebhard II. (Truchseß von Waldburg), der 1583 entsetzt wurde; ist 1574 auch Bischof von Osnabrück und 1577 (zwischen 5. Sept. bis 16. Nov.) Bischof von Paderborn geworden; die versuchte Erlangung von Münster 1580 [507] scheiterte. Als Sohn Herzogs Franz I. von Lauenburg 1550 am 11. November geboren, kam er früh zur Herrschaft, und entgegengesetzt dem wilden fehdelustigen Raufboldwesen der Prinzen seines Hauses wurde er ein tüchtiger, friedliebender, wohl verwaltender Regent seiner Stifter, von hohem Ansehen im Reich, obwol vom Papst nie bestätigt, ebenso geehrt an den verschwägerten Königshöfen von Schweden und Dänemark. Kalt, ernst, unbeugsam, strammer Niederwerfer adelicher Raublust und Eigenmacht, Förderer financieller Ordnung, also auch von Steuern, war er persönlich nicht geliebt, aber seine Unterthanen haben nachher sein Andenken gesegnet, namentlich im Bremischen, das nie solche Wohlfahrt gekannt hatte als unter ihm. Er war verheirathet mit Anna von Broich, der Tochter eines Färbermeisters und Rathsherren zu Köln, die nach ihrem Vormund Dr. Pestorf auch Anna Pestorf (Bestorf) genannt wird, 1575, 25. October zu Hagen (irrig bei v. Kobbe) durch Prediger Gade getraut. Durch seine Wahl kam durch Vertrag das Land Wursten definitiv an Bremen, und er wußte die Bauern zu versöhnen; er ordnete und vereinfachte das Gerichtswesen, ließ die Volksrechte theils sammeln, theils bessern, und setzte 1577 das von Joachim Hinck ausgearbeitete Bremische Ritterrecht durch, das in verbalhornter Gestalt noch gilt; auch suchte er zu erreichen, was wir heute ein Budget nennen, und damals unerhört, auch nicht zu erzielen war. Als Paderborner Bischof hat er eine kurze Fehde wegen Pyrmont’s gehabt; die Osnabrücker, bei denen er das Schuldwesen zu ordnen unternahm, wurden seiner Regierung wegen schwerer Pest, Miswachses und Hungersnoth und des Klosterbrandes von Iburg 1581 nicht recht froh. Als Bremer Erzbischof hat er einen kurzen diplomatischen Streit mit Wilhelm von Oranien 1576, da er einen holländischen Vice-Admiral Hans Abel, der, ein geborener Wurster Bauer, wegen Eigenhülfe hatte fliehen müssen, verhaftet hatte, als er mit einem Kriegsgeschwader in die Wesermündung gelaufen war. Seiner Zeit Gebrechen haftet an diesem tüchtigen, in kleinlicher Zeit weit blickenden Regenten in den Hexenverfolgungen; 1583 allein wurden 163 Personen im Bisthum, davon 121 Weiber in der Stadt Osnabrück hingerichtet. Er starb an einem Sturz vom Pferde beim Kirchritt und wurde in Bremervörde, seiner Residenz, beigesetzt. Seine Gemahlin, die sich nun „Anna von Broich Wittwe“ schrieb, behielt ein Kirchengut als Witthum; die herzoglich Lauenburgische Familie hatte schon lange ausgesprengt, Anna habe H. durch Liebestränke bezaubert, und schmählich genung forderte Herzog Franz II. jetzt das Bremer Domcapitel auf, wegen möglicher Verschleppung „ohne Weitläufigkeit und Proceß gegen sie zu verfahren“, was dieses ablehnte. Um Papiere ausgeliefert zu erhalten, bat er dann sie selbst in sehr freundlichen Schreiben, und Anna übergab dieselben auch 1590. – Von 1581–85 regierte H. auch das Land Hadeln als sein Erbe. 
av Sachsen-Lauenburg, Heinrich "Heinrich 3" (I1876)
9558 Henry var sønn av samlagsforstander Anton Julius Essaias Johansen (1875-1953) og Helga Petrine Gundersen (1879-). Henry tok Eben som slektsnavn i 1953. Eben, Henry Johan (I21394)
9559 Hensel Brown, Joseph Oliver (I9734)
9560 Hentet fra Hol Bygdebok av Per Berg, side 687:

..malere... Peder Johansen, Ure, f. 1834 i Fosnes, og dennes sønn, Johannes Odin Johansen, Ure, f. 1876 i Alstahaug.

Fra folketellingen i 1900:

Haandværksmaler - fløtmand Peter Johansen, f.1833 i Fosnæs NT, og Forannævntes hustru Ingebertine Johansen, f.1834 i Throndhjem. 
Johansen, Peter Cornelius (Peder) (I9252)
9561 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I7527)
9562 Her ble Lorentz fram til han av Kongelig resolusjon 6.juli 1861 fikk post ved Kristiania tollsted. Hjorth, Lorentz Lassen (I979)
9563 Her bodde de med en tjenestepike.
Pless er da brennevinshandler.

I 1875 er Karen fortsatt registrert på samme adressen med sin datter og svigersønn Mathisen. 
Samuelsen Pless, Niels Werner (I11652)
9564 Her bodde de til de hadde kjøpt tomt på Kolbotn, og begynte å bygge huset sitt der. De flyttet fra Professor Dahlsgate 17 den 9.april 1964 Reitan, Eli Brinchmann "Backe" (I18)
9565 Her bodde Oscar og Ellen med barna Ragna, Esther Sofie, Sonja, Gunnar Carl Oscar og Sven Oscar.

I tillegg hadde de 2 tjenesteytende jenter hos seg, Agnes Evensen fra Stokke og Alma Karlsen fra Arendal. 
Hytten, Oscar (I2028)
9566 Her bor Andreas, enkemann, Husfader og Pensionist, sammen med sine barn Jens Hybe, Wilma Depanta, Amalie Marie og sistnevntes barn Hendriette Amalie og Vally Mathilde. Møller, Andreas Christian (I2243)
9567 Her bor baker Martin og husmor Johanne sammen med sitt pleiebarn ugifte fabrikkarbeider Just Henry Endresen. Hugaas, Martin Karelius (I1157)
9568 Her bor ekteparet Albert og Lina under folketellingen i 1900. Lorentzen, Albert Wilhelm (I1224)
9569 Her bor familien Helmer, samt Inger Cathrines mor, Elisabeth Holst, i 1865.

Sistnevnte er 81 år gammel, og registrert med fødested Kristiania. 
Helmer, Jacob Holst (I11630)
9570 Her bor Gangkone og enke Oline Klinge under folketellingen i 1865. Olsdatter, Oline "Klinge" / "Zaura" (I10048)
9571 Her bor Georg og Ingeborg Marie under folketellingen i 1875.

Han er nevnt som agent og født 1811 i London.

Barna er Karl Schøyen Kent f.1861 i Kristiania og Axel Johannes Kent f.1857 samme sted. 
Kent, George William (I7544)
9572 Her bor i 1900:

Ludvig Brinckmann Sogneprest og Provst f.1830 Christiania.
Fredrikke Sofie Sckwabe Brinchmann f.Heyerdahl Husmoder f.1830 Edø.

Fredrikke Sofie Brinckmann ug Contorist hos Sorenskriver f.1871 Hemnæs (Hlgld).
Ludvig Brinckmann ug Contorist hos Sognepresten f.1875 Hemnæs (Hlgld).
Brinchmann, Ludvig (I487)
9573 Her bor løsarbeider Olaf og rengjøringsdame Marie med barna Olaf (nevnt som visergutt), Haldis Margrethe (nevnt som påleggerske) og Cora Alice.

I tillegg nevnes Sven Odd Pløim Thun (f.21.oktober 1919 i Trondheim) på denne adressen. 
Lorentzen, Svend Olaf (I503)
9574 Her bor også Louise Fredrikke Brinchmann som kones moder og pensionist. Feilberg, Carl Fredrik (I7328)
9575 Her bor skolelærer P. Hugaas, ifølge adressebøkene for Trondheim.

I 1910 er enke Amalie Hugaas registrert på denne adressen. 
Arntzen Hugaas, Peder (I1154)
9576 Her bor sokneprest L.Brinchmann og kone Fredrikke Sofie, f.1830 i Smølen, med barna:

Christopher f.1864, Halvor f.1865, Lovise Fredrikke f.1867, Gina Heyerdahl f.1868, Fredrikke Sofie f.1871 og Ludvig f.1875.
De to siste født på Hemnes, de andre barna født i Lækø. 
Brinchmann, Ludvig (I487)
9577 Her bor Vaktmästare Ingvald Høyem Hugaas sammen med sin hustru Johanna Jönson. Hugaas, Ingvald Høyem (I1160)
9578 Her er svarene fra den 13-årige Ruth Eva på noen av spørsmålene:

Glad i? Mor, far og William
Min hobby? Tegne
Vil bli? Husmor
Favorittfilmstjerne? Tony Curtis, Rex Barker, Doris Day, Jane Russel, Jeanne Crain, Janet Leight, Cornel Wilde, Fernando Lamaz
Har husdyr? Fisker og 2 fugler, 1 hund, men den ble påkjørt
Livrett? Kjøtt
Beste film? Det er så mange, så jeg kan ikke huske det beste
Beste gave? Kjæramikkhund, skøyter. Ski, fuglene, hund. Fikk til jul 1953 (ikke Scotty)
Beste sted i verden? Trøndelag
Beste ukeblad? Verden rundt, Allers
Søstre og brødre? Bror William på 15 1/2 år 
Zinow, Ruth Eva "Skøien"/"Møller" (I5)
9579 Her er svarene fra den 51-årige Einar på noen av spørsmålene:

Glad i? Min kone
Min hobby? Øvrevoll
Vil bli? Direktør
Favorittfilmstjerne? Jane Russel
Har husdyr? Fisker og fugler
Livrett? Kjød i mørke
Beste film? Tatt av vinden
Beste gave? Hansker fått julen 1953
Beste sted i verden? Oslo
Beste ukeblad? Alle kvinner
Søstre og brødre? 3 søstre (Ragnhild, 53- Astrid, 56- Fredrikke, 58 år), 2 brødre (Karl, 62- Ivar, 66 år) 
Zinow, Einar "Skøien" (I8)
9580 Her er svarene fra den 51-årige Ruth på noen av spørsmålene:

Glad i? Pappa, Ruth Eva og William og hele min familie
Min hobby? Alt mulig
Vil bli? Danserinne
Favorittfilmstjerne? Fernando Lamas
Har husdyr? Ja, 2 selskapspapegøyer
Venn/venninne? Alfrida Hess
Livrett? Kylling
Beste film? Tatt av vinden
Beste gave? Pappa i 1932
Beste sted i verden? Trondheim
Beste ukeblad? Illustrert
Søstre og brødre? 3 søstre (Kirste, 62- Aasta, 55- Ingeleiv, 54 år), 3 brødre (Sverre, 58- Ragnar, 56 år) (Bror Karl Kristian var død) 
Lorentzen, Ruth "Zinow" / "Skøien" (I9)
9581 Her finner vi familien Kent i 1900, sammen med Axels søster ugifte Nathalie Mathilde, som er nevnt med sedvanlig bosted Kristiania, senere Hallingdal.

Barna til Axel og Martha er nevnt:

George f.1892.

Ingeborg Marie f.1896. 
Kent, Axel Johannes (I7559)
9582 Her finner vi Severin og Oline Zaura, sammen med Martin Frederik, som står nevnt som - stedson - og garverlærling, samt pleiedatteren Bertha Veie, f.1870 i Levangerskogn. Klinge, Martin Fredrik (I10047)
9583 Her finner vi Trygve f.20.september 1880 i Kristiania og hustruen Gudrun Emilie f.17.mai 1886 samme sted.
Han er ingeniør.

Barna Eldrid Bergljot f.12.februar 1911 i Davos, Sveits og Finn Trygve f.18.april 1912 i Kristiania.

De har også en Enepike Magnild Husaas f.1902 på Nes i Romerike. 
Smith, Trygve (I957)
9584 Her Gaute er nevnt ca.1548 i en slektstavle som sønn av Christin Gautesdotter og far til Christoffer Galle og Tønne.

NST 36 (1997), s.93 og skjematisk i NST 2 (1930), s.157. 
Svensen Galle, Gaute (I11433)
9585 Her har ein gjeng Sværingar dressa seg opp og er klar til avfotografering.

F.v Nils Sværen, Brita Sværen, Johan Sværen, Harald Sværen, Ingrid Sværen og Trond Torsnes.

Fotograf C.Tietz tok biletet. 
Family: Harald Sværen / Brita Sværen (F2360)
9586 Her Joen Smør er nevnt ca.1548 i en slektstavle som sønn av Svale Jonsson. I tavlen synes året 1484 at være knyttet til Joen Smør.

NST 36 (1997), s.93 og skematisk i NST 2 (1930), s.157. 
Svalesen Smør, Jon (Joen) (I5965)
9587 Her nevnes rentemester Müller som eier med schichtmester Kristen Brun som bruker. Nilsen Brun, Christen (I10094)
9588 Her son Charles married Ermentrude in 842 and fathered a daughter in 844, which he named - Judith - after his mother.

This marriage, however, proved futile for Judith's career, power and influence. With the introduction of a new queen Judith became of ex officio importance, resulting in her forced retirement as well as withdrawal of the lands and wealth under her control.

She would eventually die on the 19th of April 843 in Tours, outliving her husband by 3 years. It is believed that she was around 40 years of age when she passed, compared to her husband who at the time of his death, was closer to 62.

She was buried at the Basilica of St-Martins. 
av Bayern, Judith (I4592)
9589 Her startet Johan sildehandlerfirmaet Joh.Eide & co A/S i 1914. Eide, Johan Martin (I601)
9590 Her sto Peder oppført som forhenværende lærer. Arntzen Hugaas, Peder (I1154)
9591 Her Suale Jonsso er nevnt ca. 1548 i en slektstavle som sønn av Jon Hallvardsen (NST 36 (1997), s.93 og skematisk i NST 2 (1930), s.157).

Svale Jonsen er nevnt 1397 og 1442.

Tore H. Vigerust, s. 6-43;
Anders Bjønnes, s. 44-60;
Tor Weidling, s. 61-88;
Lars Løberg, s. 89-98;
Alan Hutchinson, s. 101-110;
Per Swensen, s. 111.: Adelsprojektets skrifter 3: Benkestokk-seminariet Meløy 14-15 august 1999 (Oslo 1999), s. 26). 
Jonsen Smør, Svale (I5964)
9592 Her var de naboer med Klaus' onkel Finn og tante Elli Eide. Haugnæss, Klaus Helge (I610)
9593 Her var han i 3,5 år før han i 1861 ble elev ved Kathedralskolen i Kristiania. Hjorth, Otto Christian (I995)
9594 Her var Ruth hushjelp (maid) og Einar var sjåfør for Mrs. J.Simpson, 275 Sheridan Road.

For dette fikk Ruth og Einar $100 i måneden.

Med et opphold igjen som arbeidsledige fra 14.mai 1935, fikk de igjen jobb hos Mrs. J.Simpson, med samme betaling, fra 1.oktober 1935.

Her jobbet de to også på herskapets landsted i Glencoe, hvor de trivdes meget godt. Dette landstedet pratet de to mye om i ettertid. 
Zinow, Einar "Skøien" (I8)
9595 Herbert ble myrdet mellom 900 og 908.

Erich Brandenburg: Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen, Leipzig 1935.
Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 246.
Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 58, 63, 99. 
av Vermandois, Herbert "Herbert 1" (I4857)
9596 Herbert married Ermentrude von Avalgau, daughter of Mergigonz von Avalgau, Count in Avalgau and Gerberge.


Ermentrude was born in 948 in Gleiberg, Germany 
Family: Herbert av Moselgau / Ermentrude av Avalgau (F3153)
9597 Herbor Davidsdatter fra Bprsem var 82 år gammel da hun døde. Davidsdatter, Herborg (Herbor) "Børsheim" (I318)
9598 Herbor Johannesd. 15 år fra Børsem fikk karakter Ligesaa. Johannesdatter Børsheim, Herborg "Linga" (I260)
9599 Herborg ble døpt 3.søndag etter Trinitatis. Michelsdatter Øje, Herborg (I2397)
9600 Herborg Bårdsdatter nevnes 1453 og 1497.

Tore H. Vigerust, s.6-43.
Anders Bjønnes, s.44-60.
Tor Weidling, s.61-88.
Lars Løberg, s.89-98.
Alan Hutchinson, s.101-110.
Per Swensen, s.111.
Norsk Slektshistorisk Tidsskrift XVII (1959), s.156. 
Bårdsdatter Galtung, Herborg (I428)

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