Zinow Genealogy Website

The history of the Norwegian Zinow family, and their connected families of Lorentzen, Hugaas, Schøyen, Møller, Skrogstad, Høyem, Reitan, Brinchmann, Sværen, Harbo, Bernhoft, Hiorth, Linge, Tjomsaas, Cudrio, Borlaug, Husabø, Børsheim, Coucheron, Irgens etc. ...and for our beautiful long-haired dachshund; Tina

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Margareth Vivian Lorentzen, "Nelson"

Female 1912 - 2000  (87 years)

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  • Name Margareth Vivian Lorentzen 
    Suffix "Nelson" 
    Nickname "Marge" 
    Birth 1 May 1912  Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Female 
    Occupation Bef 1930  Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Stenographie law. 
    Event-Misc Abt 1930  Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Lorentzen og Loholt-samling i Chicago en gang omkring 1930. 
    Lorentzen Ruth m Aasta Margareth og Ragna 1.jpg
    Lorentzen Ruth m Aasta Margareth og Ragna 1.jpg
    Lorentzen/loholt samling i Chicago omkring 1930.

    F.v. Aasta Christensen, Ruth Lorentzen, Margareth Lorentzen og Ragna Lorentzen.
    Lorentzen Ruth m Aasta Margareth og Ragna 3 mfl.jpg
    Lorentzen Ruth m Aasta Margareth og Ragna 3 mfl.jpg
    Lorentzen/loholt samling i Chicago omkring 1930.

    F.v. Einar Zinow, Ruth Lorentzen, ?, Aasta Christensen, Fred Lorentzen, Ragna Lorentzen, ?, Margareth Lorentzen og ?.
    Residence Abt 1959  Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Illness Bef 1973  USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Plaget med leddgikt. 
    • I et brev til sin kusine Ruth Skøien i Oslo, datert 16.mai 1973, skriver Margareth:

      ...I am still working but my arthritis is real bad as we had a very bad winter, There was very little snow this winter but it was real damp and so far this Spring we have had very little warm weather. I am going to the Hospital this Saturday for X-Rays of my esophagus. I get food caught in my windpipe and the doctor wants me to have an X-Ray.
      I am also going to have some tests for arthritis as he thinks I have both oseto and rhematoid arthritis like Aunt Gusta had. Both my thumbs are getting deformed.
      He also wants me to go to an orthopedic surgeon and see if he can put a lift in my left shoe as that leg is getting shorter than the other and it throws me off balance and causes pain in my right leg.
      Sounds like I am in bad shape, doesn't it? At least this new doctor is trying to do something to help me. When I went to the other doctor he would say it was all caused by nerves...
    Event-Misc 1984  USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Lorentzen damer samlet. 
    Lorentzendamer samlet 1984 USA.jpg
    Lorentzendamer samlet 1984 USA.jpg
    Lorentzen slekt samlet i USA i 1984.
    Margareth Nelson står lengst til høyre.
    Residence May 1987  Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Lorentzen Marge gNelson and Grace gPalmer mai1987.jpg
    Lorentzen Marge gNelson and Grace gPalmer mai1987.jpg
    Grace Palmer og Marge Nelson i mai 1987.
    Residence 1994  Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Retirement residence. 
    Death 2000  Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I511  My Genealogy
    Last Modified 6 Dec 2020 

    Father Fredrik Christian Lorentzen, "Fred",   b. 24 Jan 1877, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norge Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1952, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 74 years) 
    Relationship Birth 
    Mother Ragna Eline Robertsen, "Lorentzen",   b. 26 Jul 1882, Vesterålen, Nordland, Norge Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 11 Apr 1961, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 78 years) 
    Relationship Birth 
    Event-Misc Abt Jun 1906 
    • I brev fra nevøen Karl Kristian:

      Fredrik arbeider hos Brænne, nu er det forbi igjen med forlovelsen hans jeg skal gaa ud og snakke med jenta for hun har nogsaa gaat kaffebrød. Og saaskal jeg gjøre hvad jeg kan for at gjøre det godt igjen.
    Marriage 07 Aug 1909  Vår frue kirke, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norge Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Event-Misc 20 Jan 1916  Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norge Find all individuals with events at this location 
    En del av Lorentzen-familien hos fotograf. 
    Lorentzen-familien 20jan1916.jpg
    Lorentzen-familien 20jan1916.jpg
    Lorentzen-familien samlet hos fotograf 20.januar 1916.

    Stående f.v. Marie, Ragna, Fred og Oskar.
    Sittende f.v. Sofus, Karen, mor Karen og Klara.
    Event-Misc Abt 1930  Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Lorentzen og Loholt-samling i Chicago en gang omkring 1930. 
    Lorentzen Fred Ragna Aasta og Th Christensen.jpg
    Lorentzen Fred Ragna Aasta og Th Christensen.jpg
    Lorentzen/loholt samling i Chicago omkring 1930.

    F.v. Th. og Aasta Christensen, Ragna og Fred Lorentzen.
    Lorentzen Ruth m Aasta Margareth og Ragna 1.jpg
    Lorentzen Ruth m Aasta Margareth og Ragna 1.jpg
    Lorentzen/loholt samling i Chicago omkring 1930.

    F.v. Aasta Christensen, Ruth Lorentzen, Margareth Lorentzen og Ragna Lorentzen.
    Lorentzen Ruth m Aasta Margareth og Ragna 3 mfl.jpg
    Lorentzen Ruth m Aasta Margareth og Ragna 3 mfl.jpg
    Lorentzen/loholt samling i Chicago omkring 1930.

    F.v. Einar Zinow, Ruth Lorentzen, ?, Aasta Christensen, Fred Lorentzen, Ragna Lorentzen, ?, Margareth Lorentzen og ?.
    Event-Misc 17 May 1935  Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Lorentzen Ruth m Margareth 1935 17mai.jpg
    Lorentzen Ruth m Margareth 1935 17mai.jpg
    Margareth Lorentzen og Ruth Lorentzen 17.mai 1935.
    Zinow Einar mfl 1935 17mai.jpg
    Zinow Einar mfl 1935 17mai.jpg
    Nasjonaldagsfeiring i Chicago.

    F.v. Laura Larsen, Ragna Lorentzen, Einar Zinow og ukjent.
    Family ID F309  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Edwin Oscar Nelson,   b. 24 Feb 1911 
    Marriage 3 Sep 1936  Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Event-Misc 1959  USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Nelson-barna hos fotograf. 
    Nelson-barna USA.jpg
    Nelson-barna USA.jpg

    F.v. Fred 7, Richard (Dick) 21, Robert (Bob) (bak) 12, Douglas (Doug) 18, og Diane 7.
    +1. Living
    +2. Living
    +3. Living
     4. Living
     5. Frederick Oscar Nelson,   b. 2 Mar 1952, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 13 Jan 2024, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 71 years)  [Birth]
    Loholt Aasta og Margareth Lorentzen m ektefeller.jpg
    Loholt Aasta og Margareth Lorentzen m ektefeller.jpg
    Th. og Aasta Christensen, Edwin og Margareth Nelson.
    Family ID F315  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 24 Feb 2021 

  • Sources 
    1. [S107] US Census 1930 (Reliability: 2).

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